
发表时间:2015/06/02 00:00:00  来源:www.e-ging.com  作者:www.e-ging.com  浏览次数:5794  



Party A:


Party B:

According to the friendly consultation of Party A and Party B, Party A intends to entrust Party B to offer simultaneous interpretation service and both parties hereby sign this contract on the relevant issues to abide by jointly.
一、  甲乙双方已根据甲方会议专业需要已初步选定 两 名译员,乙方应根据选定结果安排译员在指定时间地点提供专业的同传服务。
I. Both parties have preliminarily chosen   2   interpreters according to the subject of Party A’s conference and Party B shall offer professional simultaneous interpretation service in the appointed time and location as Party A has chosen.
二、  甲方应尽可能早地提供有关背景资料(以书面方式)以便同传译员准备。
II. Party A shall offer the relevant background information (in written form) as soon as possible to facilitate simultaneous interpreters’ preparation.
三、 甲方所需同声传译的详细需求和时间及费用等见本合同第九条 《客户定单》 。
III. The detailed requirements, time and fees of the simultaneous interpretation needed by Party A are as the Customer Order in the Article 9 of this contract shows
四、 双方签订合约后,甲方需向乙方预付总费用的 50 %  作为定金,余款应在服务完毕后一周内一次性支付。
IV. After both parties sign this contract, Party A shall pay in advance 50% of the total fee to Party B as deposit and the left 50% shall be paid once within one week after the service is offered.
五、 同传译员服务时间为每日 7-8 小时。
V. The simultaneous interpreters’ service time is  7 to 8 hours per day.
Shanghai Chinese consecutive interpretation service

六、 若在合同预定翻译和租赁时间结束后,甲方还需乙方提供翻译服务,则此合同规定的价格继续有效。
VI. If Part A still needs Party B to offer interpretation service after the interpretation and leasing service specified in the contract have terminated, the price prescribed by this contract shall remain effective.
七、 甲方或乙方如遇到非人为因素而导致不能履行合同,应及时告知对方,并协商解决,但考虑到乙方所付出的劳动,定金不予退还。若甲方在签定合同后会议照常举行,但甲方另外选择了其他公司的同声传译服务而未履行本合同,则甲方需支付乙方合同金额50%作为违约费用。若乙方未按合同约定的时间提供专业的服务而影响到甲方活动的正常进行,乙方需向甲方支付合同金额的50%作为违约费用。
VII. If Party A or Party B fails to perform this contract due to force majeure, it shall inform the other party in time and both parties shall solve the problem with consultation, but the deposit shall not be returned in consideration of the labor Party B has contributed. If Party A’s conference is convened as planned after the contract is signed but Party A chooses other companies’ simultaneous interpretation service and fails to perform this contract, then Party A shall pay Party B 50% of the contract amount as penalty. If Party B fails to offer professional service in the time prescribed in the contract and thus influences Party A’s normal activities, then Party B shall pay Party A 50% of the contract amount as penalty.
八、 译员应按照AIIC规定的正确率80%翻译。如乙方提供的译员在服务过程中出现不能胜任翻译、严重违反甲方规章或向外籍人员收取小费的情况,甲方有权立即停止译员服务并及时通知乙方更换译员,更换后仍不能胜任或仍严重违反甲方规章的,甲方有权终止合同。对因此造成的损失,双方可以进行协商,协商不成,可提交当地法院裁决。
VIII. Translators shall translate materials according to the accuracy rate of 80% provided for by AIIC. In case the translator provided by Party B is incompetent for translation during service, seriously violates rules and regulations of Party A, or charges tip from the foreign personnel, Party A shall be entitled to terminate the service of the translator immediately and inform Party B to replace such translators in time. Where the translator is still incompetent for work or seriously violates the rules and regulations of Party A after Party B replaces the former translator, Party A shall be entitled to terminate the contract, and the two parties may negotiate the losses incurred thereby, failing which the two parties may submit the case to local court for judgment.

甲方:                                                                                                                                                 乙方:

Party A:                                                                                                                                              Party B:

授权代表:                                                                                                                                        授权代表:

Representative:                                                                                                                                  Representative:

签字盖章:                                                                                                                                        签字盖章:

Signature:                                                                                                                                           Signature: