
发表时间:2015/06/02 00:00:00  来源:www.e-ging.com  作者:www.e-ging.com  浏览次数:3346  

甲方:Party A:

 乙方:Party B:



Party A and Party B agreed to sign this contract according to the following terms and conditions:


1. 工程概况: 喷漆处理线配套供电设备

Project profile: Spray paint processing line matching power supply unit


工程名称:Project name:


工程地点:Project location:


工程开工日期:Commencement Date:


工程竣工日期:Completion Date:


2. 合同内容:该项目安装设备包括:3台高压柜,1台1600kVA变压器,8台低压开关柜,计量用互感器和计量装置。乙方负责该项目所有设备、电缆、桥架和计量装置等的电力部分的安装施工和检验工作。施工完成后,乙方负责本项目所有电力公司的相关报验、通电申请、安装验收、试验和最后通电工作。本项目为全套的交钥匙工程。

The content of contract: The project equipment installation including three set of high-voltage switch cabinet, one 1600 kva transformer, eitht sets of low-voltage switch cabinet, mutual inductor used metering and metering device. Party b is responsible for installation and inspection of power part of all equipment, electric cable, bridge and metering device etc. about this project. Party B is responsible for all inspection electricity application, installation acceptance, test and the finally electricity work related to electric power company about this project. this project is full set of turnkey project.


3.合同款: 美元Project Funds: USD (Say only)


4. .承包方式:合同签订后,预付款收到后50天完成全部安装工作,55天时办理完项目验收工作。预付款收到后60-65天时保证正常通电。

Contracting type:After the contract signed,and the advance payment is received Party B will finish all the installed work in 50 days and have acceptance work of project transacted in 55 days. Party B make sure that all the equipment will be normally electrified in 60-65 days when the advance payment is received.


5. 付款条件Conditions of Payment

1.合同签订后,预付50% 即美元    元。

After the contract signed, prepay 50% of Project Funds which is     USD.


2.项目通电验收后预付40% 即美元    元。

After electrified acceptance work of project finished prepay 40% of Project Funds which

 is      USD..


3.通电验收后6个月时付清剩余10% 即美元    元。

Pay off the surplus 10% of Project Funds when electrified acceptance have finished 6 months which is     USD.


6.甲方责任Responsibility of The Buyer


Party A is broadly responsible for the management of the installed construction site.



In the three days before Project Commencement Date, Party A should provide the conditions for Party B to entrance for construction、empty space、get water and electricity through which are Party A free offer.



In the ten days before Project Commencement Date,Party A should provide the identified design diagram and installed construction listing.



Party A shall pay 50% of Project Total Value for Party B If Party A terminate the project midway.



Party A pay project funds for Party B in accordance with the provisions of this contract.


7. 乙方责任:Responsibility of Party B


The installed project of production, which is Party B provide,entirely conform to the provisions of the relative stipulation of the country and electric power company.



Party B guarantees safety of entry relative construction workers,and is responsible for providing necessary safety education and safety protection measures.



Party B make sure that all used materials are qualified products which meet the national standard stipulation. if production not qualified, Party A shall be entitled to request Party B offer unconditional replacement.


8.工期延误project delay


Completion date corresponding prolong for the following reasons makes completion date delayed,confirmed by Party A.


1. 增加工作内容Add project content

2. 不可抗力Force Majeure

3. 甲方未按合同约定时间提供符合要求的图纸,或修改范围不能及时提供。

Party A do not provide satisfactory drawing according to the contract time.


4. 合同中约定或甲方代表同意给予顺延的其他情况。

Promise in contract or other conditions which Party A agree to prolong completion date.


9. 不可抗力Force Majeure


Party B shall be exempted from any liability for failure of executing this Agreement or a portion of the goods under this Agreement in consequence of any Force Majeure incidents which might occur. Force Majeure as referred to in this Agreement means unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.


10. 仲裁Arbitration


 Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration , and shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral awards is final and binding upon both parties.


11. 通知Notification


All notification and other information in China and English languages, shall be sent by fax or express mail or e-mail to each other in accordance with the address specified in this contract.


12. 适用法律Governing Law


 All aspects of this Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of China and Mongolia.


13. 本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。本合同一式6份,双方各持3份.自预付款到达后生效。

This Agreement is executed in six copies in Chinese and English, each of which shall be deemed to have equivalent legal effect, each party keeps three(3), and shall become effective after advanced payments received to seller.


甲方:Party A:                       乙方:Party B:

授权代表(签名):                  授权代表(签名):

Authorized Representative(Signature):    Authorized Representative(Signature):