发表时间:2021/05/05 00:00:00 浏览次数:2797
设计者姓名(或机构名称): Name of designer (or name of organization)所在机构名称: Name of service organization (or school)
作品类别(请勾选): Classification of the work (tick off one)
□ 平面广告 □ 影视广告 □ 广播广告
Graphic ad Video-film ad Broadcast ad
作品名称: Name of the work
创作意图阐释:Description of the work
Organizing Committee of the Public Service Advertising Designing Competition (hereafter referred to as the Organizing Committee):
Designer ( including legal entity / natural person, hereafter referred to as "designer"), have acknowledged and agreed to accept relevant regulations stipulated by the Organizing Committee.
Designer’ s the work submitted to the Organizing Committee is finished on his or her own. The promise shall also have full, complete and exclusive copyright of the work.
Designer shall agree that the Organizing Committee can exhibit, release, publish, or use the work in other ways from the date of submitting such an work. The selected entries will be exhibited all over the country and edited into collection.
三、设计者必须保证:designer shall make sure that,
Designer shall grant an exclusive right to the Organizing Committee to publish the work in any manner, at any time, and in any place or occasion solely decided by the Organizing Committee.
Designer shall agree that the Organizing Committee may not mark the name (including but not limited to original name, pen name or other titles that have certain relations with designer) of designer when using the work in any manner decided by the Organizing Committee.
Designer shall agree that the Organizing Committee can solely decide to use, develop, authorize, license, protect, reproduce or redevelop the work if it is finally selected, but without any interference or limitation from designer or any third party. The Organizing Committee can use any carrier (including those beyond the current knowledge) for the above-mentioned activities (including but not limited to written or electronic form).
Where designer’s participation in the competition causes the Organizing Committee to run into any indemnity, litigation or arbitration, or brings any loss in reputation or credit, or direct or indirect economic loss to the Organizing Committee, the Organizing Committee is entitled to require designer to take necessary and proper measures which can protect the Organizing Committee from above indemnity, litigation, arbitration or other bad influences. Meanwhile, the Organizing Committee has right to claim designer for any loss in reputation or credit, or direct or indirect economic loss.
Designer shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of the Organizing Committee or any third party through the creation of an work.
七、未经组委会事先书面同意,设计者不得转让其在本协议项下的全部或部分的承诺义务。Designer shall not transfer all or part of obligations to any third party without prior written agreement of the Organizing Committee.
This Agreement is constructed by Law of Copyright of People's Republic of China.
九、This agreement is made per ____ in two originals in English and Chinese. Each party keeps one original. This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of signing. If designer submit an work online, please print out this Agreement, fill in name and date, scan or take photo of the Agreement signed, transfer it to jpg format, and send it to us. The scanned or photo shall not be larger than 1M. At last, fill out part of the followings where is proper. This Agreement should be attached to an work.
广告设计大赛组委会 设计者(签字)
Organizing Committee ( Seal ) Designer (Signature )
授权代表(签字):Authorized representative (signature):
日 期:Date: 日 期:Date: