法律英语基础句子:Instrument 票据
发起人:eging  回复数:1  浏览数:8105  最后更新:2022/9/28 4:03:28 by nihaota

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eging 发表于 2017/2/22 12:48:34
法律英语基础句子:Instrument 票据
1.A bona fide holder for value takes free from any defect in the title of his predecessors. 有价证券善持意有人不受前手所有权缺陷的影响。

2.A check cannot be accepted. 支票不得承兑。

3.An endorsement by the drawee is null and void. 付款人背书无效。

4.An instrument is a document of title to money. 票据是代表金钱支付权利的文据。

5.Every instrument constitutes an independent contract embodying a payment obligation. 每张票据都构成一份独立的体现支付义务的合同。

6.The bill of exchange was in its inception confine largely to the financing of foreign trade. 汇票最初主要限于在外贸金融活动中使用。

7.The check is payable to bearer. 向持票人付款的支票。

8.The promissory note is a document in which A promises to pay a sum of money to B. 本票是规定甲方向乙方支付一笔款额的一种文据。

9.They would almost certainly be held by the court to be negotiable instruments, albeit outside the scope of the Bills of Exchange Act. 尽管不在《汇票法》规定之内,但法院几乎肯定将它们裁定为是流通票据。

10.This autonomy of the payment obligation is essential to the marketability of instrument. 支付义务的自动履行对票据的可流通性非常重要。
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nihaota 发表于 2022/9/28 4:03:30
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