泵输出量 pump delivery
泵试验器 pump test machine
泵安全阀 pump relief valve
泵调节器 pump control mechanism, pump governor
泵密封压盖 pump gland
泵密封 pump packing
泵弹簧 pump spring
泵齿轮 pump gear
泵回程 pump stroke reversal
泵叶轮 impeller of pump
泵传动 pump drive
泵转子 pump rotor
泵芯子 pump element
泵机组 pump assembly
泵柱塞 pump plunger
泵轴承 pump bearing
泵轴环 pump cup
泵排量 pump displacement, pump output
泵推力 thrust of pump
泵推杆 pump push rod
泵润滑 pump lubrication
泵组 combination of bump
泵装置 pump-unit
泵阀座 pump valve seat
泵活塞 pump piston
泵衬套 pump bushing
泵冲程 pump stroke
泵频 pumping frequency
泵出 pump-out
泵站 pumping station
泵房 pumping shed, pump house
泵壳 pump case
泵结构 pump structure
绞刀减速箱润滑 cutter reduction gear L.O. pump
挖泥阀冲刷泵 flushing pump for dredge valve
绞刀轴承冲刷泵 flushing pump for cutter bearing
水下泥泵冲刷泵 flushing pump for submerged dredge pump
水下泥泵格兰泵 gland pump for submerged dredged pump
燃油舱加热水循环泵 F.O. tank heating hot water circulating pump
滑油输送泵 lub oil transfer pump
辅燃油输送泵 aux fuel oil transfer pump
燃油循环泵 fuel oil circulating pump
主燃油输送泵 main fuel oil transfer pump
串联泵 pumps in series
水封泵 gland pump
塑胶泥泵 rubberized sand pump
闭式叶轮泥泵 closed impeller type dredge pump
开式叶轮泥泵 open impeller type dredge pump
气动泥泵 pneumatic dredge pump
桥架泥泵(也叫:水下泥泵) ladder mounted dredge pump
水下泥泵 submerged dredge pump, underwater dredge pump
重型泥浆泵 heavy duty slurry pump
真空泵 evacuation pump
动力泵 power pump
喷射泵 jet pump
潜水泵 submersible pump
喷油嘴泵 fuel injection pump
活塞冷却泵 piston cooling pump
缸套冷却泵 jacket cooling water pump
淡水冷却水循环泵 fresh cooling water circulating pump
海水冷却水循环泵 sea cooling water circulating pump
饮水泵 drinking (or potable) water pump
海水泵 sea water pump
淡水泵 fresh water pump
紧急消防泵 emergency fire pump
消防泵 fire pump
压载水泵 ballast pump
舱底水泵 bilge pump
洗舱泵 tank cleaning pump
甲板冲洗泵 deck washing pump
冲洗泵 flushing pump
增压泵,接力泵 booster pump
齿轮双联泵 gear double pump
齿轮泵 gear pump
柱塞泵 plunger pump
螺杆泵 screw pump
轴流泵 axial flow pump
离心泵 centrifugal pump
回转泵 rotary pump
变量泵 variable capacity
变向泵 reversible pump
双壳泥泵 double-walled dredge pump
卧式泵 horizontal pump
立式泵 vertical pump
排泵 discharge pump
吸泵 suction pump
备用泵 stand-by pump
辅泵 auxiliary pump
主泵 main pump
泥泵 sandpump, dredge pump
泵 pump
轴承烧损 bearing burnt
气门座积炭 valve seat carbon deposit
滑油稀释 lub-oil dilution
滑油老化 aging of lub-oil
冷却水压力 cooling water pressure
滑油压力 lub-oil pressure
增压 supercharging
活塞底泵 piston underside pump
扫气 scavenging
燃油消耗率 fuel consumption
活塞平均速度 piston mean speed
发火顺序 firing order
供油提前角 injection advance angle
正时 timing
空燃比 air-fuel ratio
充气效率 charging efficiency
残余废气 residual gas
压缩比 compression ratio
气缸容积 cylinder volume
压缩容积 compression ratio
行程缸径比 stroke-bore ratio
下止点 bottom dead center
上止点 top dead center
行程 stroke
缸径 cylinder bore
液压缸 hydraulic cylinder
发动机气缸 engine cylinder
气缸体 cylinder block
气缸套 cylinder liner
气缸盖 cylinder head
气缸 cylinder
工作小时,运转小时 service hours
每分钟转数 revolutions per minute (rep)
最大持续定额 maximum continuous rating (M.C.R.)
连续使用定额 continuous service rating (C.S.R.)
额定马力 rated horse power (R.H.P.)
轴马力(制动马力) shaft horse power (S.H.P.)
有效马力 effective horse power (E.H.P.)
指示马力 indicated horse power (I.H.P.)
马力 horse power (HP, H.P.)
千瓦 kilowatt (kw)
表压力 gauge pressure
绝对压力 absolute pressure
平均指示压力 mean indicated pressure
负载系数 load factor
功率因数 power factor
输入功率 power input
输出功率 power output
(主)控制器 (master) controller
挠性联轴节和离合器 flexible coupling and clutch
舱底水分离器 bilge water separator
滤水器 water filter
电加热器 electric heater
热交换器 heat exchanger
断路器 circuit breaker
变阻器 rheostat
放大器 amplifier
变频器 frequency changer
检波器 demodulator
示波器 oscilloscope
滤波器 filter
整流器 rectifier
继电器 relay
传感器(换能器) transformer
变压器(互感器) current transformer
变压器 (potential) transformer
交流 alternating current (a.c.)
直流 direct current (d.c.)
直流发电原动机 dynamo engine
交流发电原动机 alternator engine
交直流两用电动机 universal motor
同步电动机 synchronous motor
三相电动机 three-phase motor
电动机,马达 motor
滑油净油机 lubricating oil purifier
柴油发电机 diesel generator
燃油净油机 fuel oil purifier
盘车机 turning engine
牵引机 traction engine
拖缆机 towing engine
舵机 steering engine
停泊发电柴油机 port use generator diesel engine
应急发动机,准备开车 standby engine
V型发动机 V-type engine
四冲程发动机 four-stroke (cycle) engine
二冲程发动机 two-stroke (cycle) engine
齿轮传动发动机 geared engine
单排直列式发动机 line engine
双排发动机 double-bank engine
外燃机 external combustion engine
内燃机 internal combustion engine
右舷(主)机 starboard engine
左舷(主)机 port engine
中机 midship engine
主机 main engine
尾机,(后主机) aft engine
发动机,引擎 engine
低速柴油发动机 low speed diesel engine
中速柴油发动机 medium speed diesel engine
高速柴油发动机 high speed diesel engine
增压柴油机 supercharged diesel engine
船用柴油机 marine diesel engine
辅助柴油机 auxiliary diesel engine
柴油机 diesel engine
浪高仪(波浪仪) wave height meter
船舶靠泊系统 docking system, vessel approach and berthing system
无线电船速比 radio ship’s speedometer
多普勒船速计 Doppler ship’s speedometer
船速计 ship’s speedometer
高精度定位系统 high accuracy positioning system
船舶惯性导航系统 ship’s inertial navigation system (SINS)
航迹记录器 track recorder, track plotter
多普勒计程仪 Doppler log
零度信号 zero degree signal
计程仪 ship’s log
石英钟 quartz crystal chronometer
天文钟 chronometer
余弧 excess of arc
主弧 main arc
刻度弧 arc, limb
定镜 horizon glass
动镜 index glass
六分仪 sextant
标准罗经 standard compass
磁罗经 magnetic compass
航向分罗经 course repeater
方位分罗经 bearing repeater
分罗经 repeater compass
陀螺马达 gyro motor
陀螺球 gyrosphere
罗经座 binnacle
主罗经 master compass
陀螺罗经 gyrocompass
陀螺仪 gyroscope
无线电 radio
雷达 radar
台卡 Decca
劳兰-C Loran-B
劳兰-A Loran-A
雾情信号 fog signal
风讯信号 wind signal
水深信号 water signal
水情信号 regimen signal
通行信号 passage signal
灯桩 light beacon
灯塔 light house
灯船 light vessel
灯浮标 light buoy
灯标 lighted buoy
浮标系统B buoy system B
浮标系统A buoy system A
标志船 mark ship
浮标锚链 buoy cable
浮标锚具 buoy mooring
浮标 buoy
校正罗经标 corrected compass mark
检疫标 quarantine mark
测速标 speed-measuring mark
沉船标 wreck mark
电缆标 cable mark
界线标 limit mark
鸣笛标 blow whistle mark
中线标志 mid-channel mark
航道标 navigable channel mark
方位标志 bearing mark
三角岸标 triangular channel mark
岸标 land mark
首尾导标 beginning and ending leading mark
导标 leading mark
昼标 day mark
顶标 top mark
立标 beacon
标志 mark
船闸航标 lockage aid
运河航标 canal aid
内河航标 inland river aid
沿海航标 coastal aid
航标 navigation mark
助航设备 aid(s) to navigation
防波堤 breakwater
双锚停泊 lie at two anchors
单锚停泊 lie at single anchor
双浮筒系泊 two-buoy mooring
单浮筒系泊 single (mono)-buoy mooring
侯潮锚地 tide anchorage
引航锚地 pilot anchorage
防台锚地 typhoon anchorage
避风锚地 shelter anchorage
小船锚地 small vessel anchorage
大船锚地 large vessel anchorage
开敞锚地 (open) roadstead
锚地 anchorage
礁湖 lagoon
暗礁 sunken rock
明礁 rock uncovered
角 cape
半岛 peninsula
群岛 archipelago
岛屿 island
海岸带 coast zone
海岸线 coast line
河口 estuary
海湾 gulf
海滩 beach, shore
海港 sea port
海岸 coast
海峡 strait
海滨 seashore, beach
内陆海 inland sea
陆内海 intracontinental sea
陆间海 intercontinental sea
边缘海 marginal sea
领海 territorial sea
公海,外洋 high sea, broad ocean, open sea
码头前水深 depth alongside
转头水域 turning basin, swing basin
挖入式港池 excavated dock, cut dock
封闭式港池 closed dock
开敞式港池 open basin, open dock
港池交叉 dock arm
港池 basin, dock
深水港池 deep-water harbour
深水泊位 deep-water berth
深水区域 deep-water area
开敞水域 open water area
港口水深 port and harbour depth
港口水域 port waters
栈桥 trestle bridge, landing bridge
码头 wharf, pier, jetty, quay, dock
港界 port boundary
港区 port area
自由港 free port
避风港 harbour shelter
中转港 port of transit
补给港 port of recruit
到达港(目的港) port of destination
出发港 port of departure
深水港 deep-harbour
油港 oil terminal
煤港 coal port
军港 naval port
渔港 fishing port
集装箱码头 container terminal
散货码头 bulk-cargo terminal
工业港 industrial port
专业性港口 special purpose harbour (port)
综合性港口 general port
港口 port, harbour
定位 position fixing
船位 ship’s position
航线 course line
航程 distance run, range
实际航速 speed made good
船速 speed of a ship, sailing speed
节 knot
链 cable
海里 nautical mile
航迹 track
航向 course
罗经点 compass point
方位 bearing
西 west
东 east
南 south
北 north
方向 direction
磁子午线 magnetic meridian
西半球 western hemisphere
东半球 eastern hemisphere
北半球 northern hemisphere
南半球 southern hemisphere
经度 longitude
经线 meridian
纬度 latitude
纬线 parallel of latitude
赤道 equator
南极 south pole
北极 north pole
航海 navigation
船时 ship’s time
夏令时 summer time, day-light-saving time
法令时 legal time
标准时 standard time
世界时 universal time, Greenwich mean time
时差 equation of time
航海日记 log book
潮流表 tidal stream table
航标表 light list
航海表 nautical table
小比例尺海图 small-scale chart
大比例尺海图 large-scale chart
改版图 revised print
新版图 new edition chart
时区图 time zone chart
潮汐图 tidal chart
航路图 routing chart
航线图 track chart
海岸图 coastal chart
航海图 sailing chart
海图 chart, nautical chart
航行图 navigation chart
航区 navigation area
通航设施 navigation facilities
通航流量 navigation discharge
通航水线 navigable water
通航净跨 navigable net span
通航净高 navigable net height
通航保证率 navigation stage frequency
通航流速 navigable velocity
通航期 open river stage, navigation period
通航水深 navigable depth
最低通航水位 minimum navigable stage
最高通航水位 maximum navigable stage
航道设计水位 design stages of channel
航道通过能力 waterway capacity, channel capacity
航行条件 navigation condition
弯道加宽 curve widening
裁弯比 cut-off ratio
裁弯取直 cut-off, short cutting
河口整治 estuarial regulation
滩险整治 regulation of rapids
整治线宽度 width of normal line
航道整治线 normal line, regulation line
航道整治 channel regulation, channel training
航道改线 channel realignment
航道线向 channel alignment
航道利用(率) channel utility
航道宽度 channel width
航道流态 channel regime
航道维护 channel protection
航道冲刷 channel scour
航道刷深 channel incision
航道水深 channel depth
航道边缘标志 channel edge marking
航道标志 channel marker
航道设标 channel demarcation
航道灯标 channel light
航道浮标 channel buoy
航道淤积 channel filling, channel siltation
航道阻塞 channel blocks
航道勘测 survey of navigation channel
引航道横断面 approach cross section
引航道宽度 approach width
引航道长度 approach length
引航道 approach channel, lock guide
航道曲率半径 curvature radius of channel
航道标准宽度 standard (regular) width of channel
航道标准水深 standard (regular) depth of channel
航道断面系数 cross-section factor of channel
航道断面 channel section
航道标准尺度 standard (regular) dimension of channel
航道等级 scale for channel
航道定级 classification of channel
航道条件 channel condition
航道中心线 mid-stream, axis of channel
经疏浚后的航道 channel after channel training
冲淤平衡的稳定航道 silt stable channel
进港航道 approach channel (route)
桥区航道 bridge approach