- 每日一词∣中国(绵阳)科技城国际科技博览会 China (Mianyang) Science and Technology City International High-Tech Expo
- 每日一词∣产业链供应链韧性与稳定国际论坛 International Forum on Resilient and Stable Industrial and Supply Chains
- 每日一词∣大众创业万众创新活动周National Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Week
- 每日一词∣中国-亚欧博览会 China-Eurasia Expo
- 每日一词∣国家水网 national water network
- 每日一词∣上海合作组织成员国元首理事会第二十二次会议 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO
- 每日一词∣农村饮水安全 safety of drinking water for rural residents
- 每日一词∣国家智慧教育平台 Smart Education of China platform
- 每日一词∣2022年国家网络安全宣传周 2022 China Cybersecurity Week
- 每日一词∣关键核心技术攻关新型举国体制 a new system for mobilizing the resources nationwide to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields
- 每日一词∣科学技术普及 popularization of science and technology
- 每日一词∣中国意大利文化和旅游年 China-Italy Year of Culture and Tourism
- 每日一词∣华南国家植物园 South China National Botanical Garden
- 每日一词∣中国国家博物馆 National Museum of China (NMC)
- 每日一词∣澜沧江—湄公河合作 Lancang-Mekong Cooperation(LMC)
- 每日一词∣数字经济 digital economy
- 每日一词∣消费品工业 consumer goods industry
- 每日一词∣煤基乙醇项目 coal-based ethanol project
- 每日一词∣科技成果转化 commercialization of scientific and technological achievements
- 每日一词∣ 香港科学园 Hong Kong Science Park
- 每日一词∣可再生能源 renewable energy
- 每日一词∣中华文明探源工程 project to trace the origins of Chinese civilization
- 一周双语新闻热词汇总(5.14-20)
- 每日一词∣推动外贸保稳提质ensure steady and high-quality growth in foreign trade
- 每日一词∣深化医药卫生体制改革 further reform of the medical and health care system
- 每日一词∣乡村建设行动实施方案 action plan on rural construction
- 每日一词∣软件和信息技术服务业 software and information technology sector
- 每日一词∣国际茶日 International Tea Day
- 每日一词∣白鹤滩水电站 Baihetan hydropower station
- 每日一词 ∣气象高质量发展 high-quality meteorological development
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