每日一词∣2022年国家网络安全宣传周 2022 China Cybersecurity Week
The 2022 China Cybersecurity Week kicked off Monday in Hefei, capital of East China's Anhui province. The event, which will last until Sept 11, will consist of both online and offline activities held across the country.
2022年国家网络安全宣传周由中宣部、中央网信办、教育部、工信部、公安部、人民银行、广电总局、全国总工会、共青团中央、全国妇联等十部门共同举办。本届网络安全宣传周以“网络安全为人民,网络安全靠人民”为主题,设置了网络安全博览会、网络安全技术高峰论坛、8场分论坛、网络安全赛事等活动,邀请了来自政府、科研机构、企业的近千名嘉宾,围绕青少年网络保护、汽车数据安全、网络安全标准与产业装备发展、人工智能与个人信息保护、量子安全、国防网络安全、 长三角网络安全协同发展、IPv6及下一代互联网安全等议题,共同探讨网络安全教育技术产业融合发展,着力提升全民安全意识和防护技能。本届宣传周将在全国范围内统一举办。其间,各地将通过线上、线下方式,开展网络安全教育云课堂、网络安全进基层等活动和校园日、电信日、个人信息保护日等六大系列主题日活动。据了解,国家网络安全宣传周从2014年开始每年举办一届。
Without cybersecurity we can ensure neither national security, nor economic and social stability, nor the interests of the people. We need to build a sound understanding of cybersecurity, and strengthen cybersecurity and information infrastructure protection. We will establish a mechanism and platform for coordinating cybersecurity information, increase our emergency command capability in dealing with cyber incidents, and actively steer the cybersecurity industry towards preventing problems before they start.
a clean and upright cyberspace
cyberspace governance
fight telecom and online fraud