First name
Last name |
Date of Birth |
Gender |
Nationality |
City-county |
Vaccine name 疫苗名称 |
Time of vaccination接种时间 |
BCG vaccine 卡介苗 |
Hepatitis B vaccine 乙肝疫苗 |
Poliomyelitis vaccine 脊髓灰质炎活疫苗 |
Diphtheria Pertussis tetanus 百白破 |
Measles vaccine 麻疹疫苗 |
B encephalitis vaccine 乙脑疫苗 |
Meningitis 流脑疫苗 |
Hepatitis A vaccine 甲肝疫苗 |
Rubella vaccine 风疹疫苗 |
Mumps vaccine 腮腺炎疫苗 |
Chickenpox vaccine 水痘疫苗 |