Once soft tissue defects of the foot and ankle in children occurred, first-stage reconstruction was strongly recommended. Concepts believed to be important in the satisfactory reconstruction of complex soft tissues in foot and ankle region included early removal of all devitalized tissues and early wound closure, with the transfer of healthy tissues to achieve adequate soft tissue coverage and to protect the vital structures. To date, pedicled skin flap, cross leg skin flap and free skin flap have been frequently applied in clinical practice. Classically, cross-leg flaps have been problematic due to the difficulties with immobilization and positioning of the extremities from the time of initial coverage to detachment. For the pediatric patients with high degree soft tissue injury, free tissue transfer has been indicated for reconstruction of these defects because of the limited local tissue available. In a retrospective analysis, Demirtas et al analyzed the treatment efficiency of free anterolateral thigh flap (ALT) for the management of high-grade car tire foot injuries in children, which indicated that ALT flap with minimal donor site morbidity can be further thinned to adapt to the soft tissue defect, contracted less than muscle flaps and contained a vascularized fascia that could be used for extensor tendon reconstruction. Even though free flap may be a solution for the soft tissue defects, it has been limited in clinical practice in children as its complexity requires microsurgical expertise. Moreover, it is sometimes accompanied by a risk of complete failure.