劳 务 合 同
Labor Service Contract
劳务合同(2008版) 甲方:上海智淳企业管理有限公司 (以下简称“甲方”) 乙方:_______________________________ (以下简称“乙方”) 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国劳动法》和《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》等有关法律、法规的规定,本着平等互利的原则,甲、乙双方经友好协商,就乙方使用甲方员工等事宜,达成本劳务合同(以下简称“本合同”)。
第一章 总则
第一条 适用 甲、乙双方有关乙方使用甲方员工等事宜,适用本合同。 第二条 适用法律 本合同,以及与本合同有关的一切事宜,一律适用中华人民共和国的法律、法规。因任何原因,包括但不限于因法律法规变化,致使本合同条款与中华人民共和国法律、法规不一致时,均应以中华人民共和国法律、法规为准。 第三条 定义
3.1 甲方员工:指乙方需要使用的,由甲方依法办理相关手续,派遣到乙方的中国公民。 3.2 附件:指甲、乙双方另行签订的所有关于本合同的补充协议或相关约定等; 3.3 管理费:指乙方使用甲方员工而应支付给甲方的各种费用的总和。一般包括: 3.3.1 乙方为承担甲方员工的社会保险和住房公积金而支付的费用; 3.3.2 乙方为要求甲方向甲方员工提供福利保障、档案保管而支付的费用; 3.3.3 乙方为甲方提供本合同下所列服务而支付给甲方的服务费和约定的相关税收。 3.4 工资:指乙方使用甲方员工而应支付给甲方员工的劳动报酬,具体数额应以附件所载为准。 3.5 法律:指中华人民共和国法律、法规、规章、制度、规范性文件等。 第二章 权利和义务
第四条 甲方享有的权利 4.1 甲方有权要求乙方为甲方的服务配合甲方拟定的流程。 4.2 甲方有权对乙方与甲方员工之间因实际使用关系所发生的争议进行调解。 4.3 甲方有权对乙方侵害甲方员工合法权益的行为进行交涉并提出整改意见和要求。
第五条 乙方享有的权利 5.1 乙方有权享有本合同和附件约定的由甲方提供的服务。
5.2 乙方有权决定甲方员工的派遣期限,派遣期限一般不应少于2年,派遣期满乙方可以退回甲方员工,但另有约定的除外。
5.3 乙方有权与被其使用的甲方员工另行签订协议(包括但不限于培训服务期协议、保密协议等),以约定双方的权利义务;但因此产生的一切责任,甲方不承担任何一方(即乙方或甲方员工)的连带责任。
5.4 乙方有权制定、修改或者决定有关劳动报酬、工作时间、休息休假、劳动安全卫生、保险福利、职工培训、劳动纪律以及劳动定额管理等直接涉及甲方员工切身利益的规章制度或者重大事项;但该规章制度或者重大事项在实体和程序上均不得与法律相冲突,而且应当向甲方员工公示或者告知。
第六条 甲方履行的义务 6.1 甲方应为乙方合法使用的甲方员工依法办理相关手续。 6.2 甲方应根据本合同和附件的约定,向乙方提供各类由乙方选定的服务。 6.3 甲方应教育甲方员工自觉遵守法律和乙方依法制定、修改或决定的规章制度或者重大事项。
6.4 甲方应当按照乙方依法确定的标准为乙方使用的甲方员工缴纳社会保险和住房公积金,或者按照上海规定缴纳综合保险。 6.5 甲方可以根据乙方的合法需求协助符合条件的甲方员工办理出国(境)手续。 6.6 甲方可以根据乙方的需求协助符合条件的甲方员工办理担任乙方(首席)代表的手续。 6.7 甲方可以为符合规定的甲方员工办理职称评定。
6.8 甲方应乙方的要求,协助乙方对甲方员工造成乙方的经济损失进行追索,但甲方不对上述损失承担连带赔偿责任。
第七条 乙方履行的义务 7.1 乙方应根据本合同和附件的约定,为甲方履行服务提供必要的协助。 7.2 乙方应根据本合同和附件的约定,每月按时足额向甲方支付管理费。 7.3 乙方应尊重甲方员工的民族习惯和宗教信仰,严禁种族歧视或性别歧视。
7.4 乙方应执行国家劳动标准,提供相应的劳动条件和劳动保护;并应承担甲方员工正常死亡的丧葬补助费、直系亲属抚恤金等责任和甲方员工工伤的责任。 7.5 乙方应根据法律规定依法执行工时制度和支付加班费。 7.6 乙方应根据法律给予女性甲方员工特殊劳动保护,保障其在孕期、产期和哺乳期的合法权益。
7.7 乙方如果直接支付报酬的,包括但不限于工资、加班费、绩效奖金等,应当及时足额支付并依法代扣代缴个人所得税。 7.8 乙方应根据法律规定执行带薪休假制度。 7.9 乙方可以与甲方员工书面约定,乙方聘用甲方员工每满一公历年,在年终由乙方向甲方加付一个月的工资作为年终双薪。
7.10 因乙方使用、退回甲方员工,或因乙方与甲方员工发生争议,而引起甲方与甲方员工发生劳动争议仲裁或诉讼,或被行政处罚的,乙方应协助甲方参加仲裁、诉讼、行政复议。若甲方因前述仲裁或诉讼或行政处罚导致需支付任何费用,包括但不限于罚款、赔偿、仲裁费、诉讼费、执行费等,均应由乙方承担,但争议或处罚系甲方过错造成的除外。
第八条 双方共同享有的权利和共同履行的义务
8.1 本合同以及本合同履行过程中与之相关的一切文件,包括但不限于合同的草稿、附件、报价、往来传真信函等,均为甲、乙双方之商业秘密,除因法定事由并事先通知对方外任何一方均不得以任何形式向第三方泄漏,否则应承担相应之违约责任和经济责任。
8.2 任何一方有权对另一方违反本合同的行为进行交涉并提出整改意见和要求,违约方有义务赔偿因此造成的一切损失。 8.3 任何一方有权要求另一方根据中华人民共和国新制定的法律、法规、规章执行并变更本合同的相应条款;另一方应当执行。 8.4 任何一方应根据另一方的需要,提供相应的法律、法规、规章。 8.5 任何一方拟变更任何工商登记事项,或者任何一方搬迁办公地址的,均应提前十五日以书面形式通知另一方,如因未及时通知而造成对方损失的,变更方应承担相应之经济赔偿责任。
8.6 任何一方变更名称、法定代表人、主要负责人或投资人等事项,不影响本合同的履行;如果乙方发生分立、合并的,本合同应由承继乙方权利义务的单位继续履行。 第三章 甲方员工的使用、解除使用
第九条 甲方员工的使用 9.1 乙方使用甲方员工,应在本合同签订前向甲方提供乙方在中国境内有效的工商登记证明文件。乙方应对前述文件的真实性和有效性负责。
9.2 甲方员工的派遣期限以附件中约定的或者乙方书面通知的起始日期开始,该派遣期限一般不应少于两年;如非因甲方原因致使使用起始日期无法按照乙方确定的日期为准的,以甲方确定的日期为起始日期,派遣期限应相应顺延。 9.3 对于乙方初次使用的甲方员工,乙方可以要求甲方依法设置试用期,但有规定不能设置的除外。
9.5 乙方使用甲方员工,应当在使用前如实告知甲方员工录用条件、工作内容、工作要求、工作条件、工作地点、职业危害、安全生产状况、劳动报酬,以及甲方员工要求了解的其他情况。
9.6 乙方使用甲方员工,甲方应提供的服务和办理的手续,以及乙方应提供的协助等相关事宜,除本合同约定的内容外,均具体以附件为准。
第十条 甲方员工的解除使用 10.1 甲方员工有下列情形之一的,乙方可以解除使用关系,将甲方员工退回甲方,但应当提前以书面形式通知甲方和甲方员工: 10.1.1 在试用期间被证明不符合录用条件的; 10.1.2 严重违反乙方的规章制度的; 10.1.3 严重失职,营私舞弊,给乙方造成重大损害的; 10.1.4 同时与其他用人单位建立劳动关系,对完成乙方的工作任务造成严重影响,或者经乙方提出,拒不改正的; 10.1.5以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使乙方在违背真实意思的情况下建立或者变更与其的使用关系的; 10.1.6 被依法追究刑事责任的。
10.2 甲方员工有下列情形之一的,乙方可以解除使用关系,将甲方员工退回甲方,但应当至少提前三十五日以书面形式通知甲方和甲方员工: 10.2.1 甲方员工患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期满后不能从事原工作,也不能从事由乙方另行安排的工作的; 10.2.2 甲方员工不能胜任工作,经过培训或者调整工作岗位,仍不能胜任工作的。
10.2.3 乙方使用甲方员工时所依据的客观情况发生重大变化,致使乙方无法继续使用甲方员工,且乙方与甲方员工未能就变更使用关系协商一致的。
10.3 除本条10.1约定的情形外,甲方员工有下列情形之一的,乙方不得解除使用关系退回甲方员工:
10.3.2 在乙方患职业病或者因工负伤并被确认丧失或者部分丧失劳动能力的;
10.3.3 患病或者非因工负伤,在规定的医疗期内的;
10.3.4 女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期的;
10.3.5 在乙方连续工作满十五年,且距法定退休年龄不足五年的;
10.3.6 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。 10.4 使用的顺延
10.5 甲方可以依法与甲方员工解除或终止劳动合同关系,但应提前通知乙方。 第十一条 退回补偿 11.1 除本合同10.1约定的情形外,乙方将甲方员工退回甲方的,均应向甲方支付退回补偿。
11.2 退回补偿按甲方员工在乙方工作的年限,按每满一年支付一个月工资的标准向甲方支付。六个月以上不满一年的,按一年计算;不满六个月的,向甲方支付半个月工资的退回补偿。 11.3 甲方员工月工资高于上海市上年度职工月平均工资三倍的,向甲方支付退回补偿的标准按职工月平均工资三倍的数额支付,向甲方支付退回补偿的年限最高不超过十二年。 11.4 本条所称月工资是指甲方员工被退回前十二个月的平均工资。
11.5 乙方理解并同意:如果乙方退回2008年1月1日以前已经使用的甲方员工,且2008年1月1日以后甲方尚未与甲方员工续签过劳动合同,则退回补偿应分段计算,2008年1月1日以后阶段的退回补偿可按11.3的约定封顶,2008年1月1日以前阶段的退回补偿,应按11.2的约定计算,不应按11.3的约定封顶。 第十二条 额外退回补偿
12.1 乙方以10.2.1约定的情形退回甲方员工的,除应按本条11.2的约定向甲方支付退回补偿外,还需按不低于甲方员工六个月工资的标准,向甲方支付额外退回补偿;对于患重病和绝症的还应增加额外退回补偿,患重病的增加部分不低于六个月工资标准的百分之五十,患绝症的增加部分不低于六个月工资标准的百分之一百。
第十三条 甲方员工解除使用关系
13.1 甲方员工提前三十日以书面形式通知乙方或者甲方,可以解除使用关系;甲方员工在试用期内提前三日通知乙方或者甲方,可以解除使用关系。 13.2 有下列情形之一的,甲方员工可以与乙方解除使用关系。 13.2.1 乙方未按照约定依法提供劳动保护或者劳动条件的; 13.2.2 乙方未及时足额支付劳动报酬的; 13.2.3 乙方未按照约定向甲方支付为劳动者缴纳社会保险费的费用的; 13.2.4 乙方的规章制度违反法律、法规的规定,损害甲方员工权益的; 13.2.5 乙方以欺诈、胁迫的手段或者乘人之危,使甲方员工在违背真实意思的情况下与乙方建立或者变更使用关系(约定)的;
13.2.6 乙方以暴力、威胁或者非法限制人身自由的手段强迫甲方员工劳动的,或者乙方违章指挥、强令冒险作业危及甲方员工人身安全的,甲方员工可以立即解除使用关系,不需事先告知乙方。 13.2.7 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。 13.3 甲方员工解除使用关系的退回补偿 甲方员工依照本条13.2约定解除使用关系的,乙方应当按照本合同第11条和第12.1条约定的标准向甲方支付(额外)退回补偿。
第四章 费用及结算
第十四条 管理费的确定
14.3 甲、乙双方应根据政府相关规定的时间相应地调整社会保险费用和住房公积金费用;并根据政府的需要随时进行其它必须的调整。前述的调整,不应影响派遣期限。
第十五条 管理费的支付 每月月底前,乙方应根据本合同及附件约定的金额向甲方支付当月的管理费,具体支付方式为以下四种: 15.1 现金; 15.2 支票; 15.3 转帐; 15.4 电汇。
第十六条 退回补偿的支付 除本合同另有约定外,本合同和附件约定的任何退回补偿和(或)额外退回补偿,均应在甲方员工被退回的同时向甲方一次性全额支付。
第五章 违约责任
第十七条 普通责任
本合同的任何一方违反本合同和附件的任何约定,导致另一方遭受任何损失、处罚、索赔的,均应由违约方在未违约方提出要求时向未违约方作出足额补偿。任何一方依据本合同和附件的约定承担了其他违约责任的,并不能免除其作为违约方应承担的本条约定的违约责任。 第十八条 管理费迟延支付的违约责任
第十九条 乙方未及时足额支付劳动报酬
第二十条 退回补偿迟延支付的违约责任
第二十一条 乙方不当解除使用甲方员工的
依法规定,乙方依本合同约定的情形将甲方员工退回甲方的,甲方可以依法与甲方员工解除或终止劳动合同;但如果甲方据此解除或终止劳动合同被裁判为违反法律规定的,乙方应承担以下违约责任。 21.1 甲方员工要求继续履行劳动合同的,乙方应同时恢复使用关系,并承担由此产生的一切甲方应承担的责任; 21.2 甲方员工不要求继续履行劳动合同的,应当依照本合同约定的退回补偿标准的二倍向甲方支付违约金;
21.3 使用关系实际无法恢复的,乙方应承担由此产生的一切甲方应承担的责任,包括但不限于支付赔偿金、报酬、缴交社会保险和住房公积金等经济责任;并应按本合同和附件确定的服务费标准,一次性向甲方支付甲方与甲方员工剩余的劳动合同期限的服务费。
第二十二条 违约后的合同解除 任何一方违反本合同的约定超过三十日仍未改正的,另一方有权书面通知对方解除本合同,本合同自书面通知发出之日起即行解除。
第六章 附则 第二十三条 服务期的约定
第二十四条 未创设第三方权利
第二十五条 双方约定的其他事宜 25.1 若由甲方支付甲方员工的工资的,一般应由甲方代扣代缴甲方员工的个人所得税,另有约定的除外。
第二十六条 本合同未尽事宜
第二十七条 争议的解决
甲、乙双方在履行本合同过程中发生的任何争议,均应由双方友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海分会仲裁。 第二十八条 合同的生效
本合同由甲、乙双方于[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日在上海签署,并自[ ]年[ ]月[ ]日起生效。
第二十九条 合同的变更
除本合同另有约定外,任何一方需在合同期内变更本合同的,均应提前三十日以书面形式通知对方,另一方收到通知后三十日内,双方应就变更条款达成一致;如逾期双方仍不能达成一致的,本合同原条款应继续有效,双方必须继续履行。 第三十条 完整的合同和可分割性
第三十一条 政策性调整 第三十二条 其他
Labor Service Contract (2008)
Article 1 Application This Contract applies to the related issues regarding Party B’s using Party A’s labor service. Article 2 Applicable Laws This Contract and related matters shall be subject to laws and regulations of the People’s Republic ofChina. In case of any discrepancy between the articles of this Contract and the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic ofChinafor any reasons, including but not limited to the change of laws and regulations, the latter shall prevail. Article 3 Definitions 3.1 Party A’s Staff: Party A’s Staff refer to any Chinese citizens needed by Party B and dispatched by Party A to Party B after Party A has handled relevant procedures in accordance with law. 3.2 Attachments: Attachments refer to all supplementary or related agreements signed by the two parties; t 3.3 Management Fee: The total sum of all charges and expenses that Party B should pay to Party A for the use of Party A’s Staff. It generally covers: 3.3.1 Social insurances and accumulated housing fund borne by Party B for Party A’s Staff; 3.3.2 Expenses of benefits and personnel file preservation that Party B requests Party A to provide for Party A’s Staff; 3.3.3 Service fee charged by Party A for service provided under this Contract and taxes levied by the state agreed upon by the two parties. 3.4 Pay: Labor remuneration paid by Party B to Party A’s Staff for labor use, in the amount subject to the attachments hereto. 3.5 Law(s): Any and all laws, rules, regulations, institutions, statutes and the like, of the People’s Republic ofChina. Chapter 2 Rights and Obligations
Article 4 Rights Enjoyed by Party A 4.1 Party A is entitled to request Party B to cooperate with regard to the procedures set by Party A for its service. 4.2 Party A is entitled to conciliate between Party B and the Party A’s Staff with regard to the disputes arising from labor service. 4.3 Party A is entitled to negotiate with Party B and to propose suggestions and requests of rectification with regard to the infringement of lawful rights and interests of Party A’s Staff. 4.4 Party A is entitled to charge Management Fee from Party B on a monthly basis according to the stipulations in this Contract and the Attachments hereto. Article 5 Rights Enjoyed by Party B 5.1 Party B is entitled to the service items provided by Party A according to this Contract and the Attachments hereto. 5.2 Party B is entitled to decide on the dispatch term of Party A’s Staff and the dispatch term shall generally not be shorter than two years. Party B may return Party A’s Staff upon the expiration of the dispatch term unless otherwise agreed by the two parties. 5.3 Party B is entitled to conclude other agreements (including but not limited to Agreement on Service Term for Training, Non-disclosure Agreement and the like) with Party A’s Staff to specify rights and obligations between the two parties.. However, Party A does not bear any joint or several liabilities with either side (Party B or Party A’s Staff) arising from such agreements. 5.4 Party B is entitled to set, modify or determine rules and regulations or major issues with regard to labor remuneration, working hours, leaves and holidays, labor safety and health, insurance and benefit, training, labor discipline and labor quota management, etc. which are in direct relation to the personal interests of Party A’s Staff; however such rules, regulations or major issues shall not conflict with law in any substantive or procedural issues and shall be disclosed or notified among Party A’s Staff.
Article 6 Obligations to Be Performed by 6.1 Party A shall handle relevant procedures in accordance with law for Party A’s Staff lawfully serving Party B. 6.2 Party A shall provide selected service items for Party B according to this Contract and the Attachments hereto. 6.3 Party A shall instruct Party A’s Staff to conscientiously abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China as well as the rules and regulations or major issues set, modified or determined by Party B in accordance with law. 6.4 Party A shall pay for social insurances and accumulated housing fund for Party A’s Staff who serve Party B based on the standard determined by Party B in accordance with law, or pay comprehensive insurance in accordance with the provisions of Shanghai Municipality. 6.5 Party A, upon Party B’s lawful request, may assist Party A’s qualified staff in handling procedures for going overseas. 6.6 Party A, upon Party B’s request, may offer assistance to Party A’s qualified staff in handling procedures for assuming the (chief) representative of Party B. 6.7 Party A may handle procedures of awarding professional titles for Party A’s qualified staff. 6.8 Party A, upon the request of Party B, shall assist Party B in recovering economic losses caused by Party A’s Staff, but shall not bear joint or several liabilities for such losses. Article 7 Obligations to Be Performed by Party B 7.1 Party B shall provide Party A with necessary assistance for its service in accordance with this Contract and the Attachments hereto. 7.2 Party B shall punctually make full payment of Management Fee on a monthly basis to Party A as stipulated in this Contract and the Attachments hereto. 7.3 Party B shall respect ethical custom and religious belief of Party A’s Staff. Any racial or gender discrimination is strictly forbidden. 7.4 Party B shall implement the labor standard of the state, provide relevant labor conditions and labor protection; Party B shall also bear funeral allowance, relief compensation to immediate family members and the like in the case of ordinary death of Party A’s Staff, and bear liabilities for the work-related injury of Party A’s Staff. 7.5 Party B shall implement a working-hour system and make overtime payment in conformity with the provisions of law. 7.6 Party B shall offer special labor protection for Party A’s female staff and ensure their legal rights and interests in pregnancy, maternity and nursing periods in conformity with the provisions of law. 7.7 If Party B directly pays Party A’s Staff labor remuneration, including but not limited to pay, overtime, performance bonus and the like, Party B shall pay the remuneration to Party A’s Staff in full and withhold and pay the full amount of individual income tax for Party A’s Staff in a timely manner according to law. 7.8 Party B shall implement the paid annual leave policy stipulated by Law. 7.9 When Party A’s Staff have provided service to Party B for each calendar year, Party B and Party A’s Staff may agree in writing that Party B shall offer an extra one-month pay to such staff at the end of such a calendar year. 7.10 In case of any disputes arising from Party B’s use of Party A’s labor service, the return of the Party A’s Staff or the dispute between Party B and Party A’s Staff which leads to a labor dispute arbitration or a lawsuit between them, or, an administrative penalty against Party A, Party B shall assist Party A in participating in such arbitration, lawsuit or administrative reconsideration. If Party A shall pay any charges for such arbitration, lawsuit or administrative penalty, Party B shall bear all cost including but not limited to penalty, damages, arbitration fee, cost of action, and expense of execution , unless the said dispute or the penalty is due to Party A’s fault. Article 8 Rights and Obligations Shared by Both Parties 8.1 This Contract and the other related documents made in the process of performing this Contract, including but not limited to draft of this Contract, the Attachments, quotations, faxes and letters, are trade secrets of the two parties and shall not be disclosed to a third party by either party in any form, unless for lawful reasons and with prior notice to the other party. Otherwise, the disclosing party shall bear liabilities for breach of contract and economic compensation accordingly. 8.2 If one party breaches this Contract, the other party shall be entitled to negotiate with the breaching party and to propose suggestions and requests of rectification. The breaching party shall compensate for all the losses accordingly. 8.3 Either party is entitled to require the other party to implement and modify articles of this Contract according to the newly enacted or altered laws, regulations and rules of the People’s Republic ofChina. Such requirement shall be implemented. 8.4 Either party shall, as required by the other party, provide relevant laws, regulations and rules. 8.5 In case that either party changes industrial & commercial registration or business address, the party in change shall inform the other party in writing 15 days in advance. If it causes any loss to the other party for failing to do so, the party in change shall bear the liabilities for economic compensation accordingly. 8.6 The change of either party regarding name, legal representative, person in charge, investor and the like, shall not impact the performance of this Contract; If Party B undertakes split or merger, the successor to Party B’s rights and obligations shall continue to perform this Contract. Chapter 3 Use and Return of Party A’s Staff
Article 9 Use of Party A’s Staff 9.1 Party B, prior to the conclusion of this Contract, shall provide Party A with documents evidencing its valid industrial and commercial registration in China so as to use Party A’s labor service. Party B shall be responsible for the authenticity and validity of such documents. 9.2 The dispatch term of Party A’s Staff shall commence from the date as stipulated in the Attachments hereto or in the written notice issued by Party B. Normally such dispatch term shall not be shorter than two years; If the start date of actual employment could not match the date determined by Party B due to reasons beyond Party A’s control, the start date shall be determined by Party A and the dispatch term shall be postponed accordingly. 9.3 Party B may require Party A to set the probation period for Party A’s Staff who serves Party B for the first time in accordance with law unless otherwise legally stipulated. 9.4 Party A and Party B agree that Party A shall conclude non-fixed labor contracts with Party A’s Staff if Party A’s Staff have served Party B continuously for ten years or over and are still serving Party B, or have continuously concluded two fixed-term labor contracts with Party A during service in Party B and Party B continues to use Party A’s Staff’s labor service. Party B shall bear all liabilities stipulated by laws and regulations related to non-fixed labor contract. Should Party B return Party A’s Staff in accordance with this Contract and its Attachments, in addition to the obligations agreed on in this Contract, Party B shall assume Party A’s economic liabilities to Party A’s Staff, including but not limited to labor remuneration, social insurances, accumulated housing fund, work-related injury and medical treatment. (Cases in which Party A has concluded non-fixed labor contract with Party A’s Staff before Party B uses Party A’s Staff for the first time shall be excluded.) 9.5 Party B before using Party A’s Staff shall truthfully inform Party A’s Staff of their work contents, work requirements, work conditions, work locations, occupational hazards, conditions of production safety, labor remunerations, and other information Party A’s Staff require to know. 9.6 Issues with regard to the service to be provided and procedures to be handled by Party A as well as the assistance to be supplied by Party B shall be determined in accordance with the Attachments hereto, unless they have been stipulated in this Contract. Article 10 Dismissal of Party A’s Staff
10.1 Under any of the following situations on
10.1.1 Proved not to meet the
10.1.2 Seriously violates Party B’s rules and
10.1.3 Seriously neglects his/her duty, practices
10.1.4 Establishes labor relationship with any
10.1.5 Induces Party B to enter into or change 10.1.6 Being investigated for criminal liabilities. 10.2 Under any of the following situations on the side of Party A’s Staff, Party B may rescind the labor service relationship and return such staff to Party A with a written notice at least 35 days in advance to both Party A and Party A’s Staff: 10.2.1 Being Sick or wounded for non-work-related reasons, and when the medical treatment period expires he/she still remains unable to resume work or any other work arranged by Party B; 10.2.2 Proved incompetent for its own job, and after training or change of position, still fail to be qualified or competent in that regard.
10.2.3 No agreement on modification of the
10.3 Unless otherwise stipulated in 10.1, under 10.3.1 Engaging in operations with exposure to occupational disease hazards but have not undergone a pre-departure occupational health check-up, or, are suspected of having contracted an occupational disease and are still to be diagnosed or under medical observation; 10.3.2 Confirmed as having lost or partially lost its capacity to work due to an occupational disease or a work-related injury; 10.3.3 Contracting an illness or sustained a non-work-related injury, and the prescribed medical period has not expired; 10.3.4 Female staff in pregnancy, maternity or nursing period; 10.3.5 Having been working for Party B continuously for 15 years or over, and are less than 5 years away from legal retirement age;
10.3.6 Other circumstances provided by the
10.4 Extension of Labor Use
10.5 Party A may rescind or terminate the labor Article 11 Return Compensation
11.1 Except for the circumstances specified in 11.2 Return compensation shall be paid according to the number of years Party A’s Staff has served Party B. The calculation is one month’s pay for one year service. If the actual service period is over 6 months but shorter than 1 year, it shall be calculated as 1 year. If the actual service period is shorter than 6 months, return compensation shall equal to a half-month pay.
11.3 If the monthly pay of Party A’s Staff is
11.4 The “monthly pay” mentioned in this
11.5 Party B understands and accepts that if Article 12 Additional Return Compensation 12.1 If Party B returns Party A’s Staff under any of the circumstances specified in Article10.2.1, it has to, in addition to the return compensation stipulated in the provisions of Article 11.2 hereof, pay to Party A additional return compensation not lower than staff’s 6 months pay. If Party A’s Staff suffer from critical illness or an incurable disease, such return compensation shall be added. The added part shall not be lower than 50% for critical illness and not lower than 100% for an incurable disease, of the staff’s 6 months’ pay. 12.2 In the case that Party B returns Party A’s Staff according to Article10.2.3, the balance of dispatch term shall be included in the service term of Party A’s Staff and the return compensation shall be calculated according to the total service term. In addition to the return compensation according to Article 11.2, Party B shall pay, Party A’s Staff’s salary, social insurances, accumulated housing fund and service fee, on a monthly basis, to Party A as the additional return compensation during the balance of dispatch term. Article 13 Rescission of Labor Service Relationship by Party A’s Staff
13.1 Party A’s Staff may rescind the labor
13.2 Under any of the following circumstances,
13.2.1 Party B fails to provide labor protection 13.2.2 Party B fails to pay in full labor remuneration in a timely manner; 13.2.3 Party B fails to make social insurance payment to Party A for Party A’s Staff in line with the agreements by the two parties;
13.2.4 Rules and regulations of Party B violate
13.2.5 Party B induces Party A’s Staff to enter
13.2.6 If Party B forces Party A’s Staff to work
13.2.7 Other circumstances provided by the
13.3 Return Compensation for Rescission of If Party A’s Staff rescind the labor service relationship in line with the provisions in Article13.2, Party B shall pay to Party A (additional) return compensation in line with the standard specified in Article 11 and Article 12.1 hereof. Chapter 4 Management Fee and Its Settlement Article 14 Determination of Management Fee 14.1 Management fee shall be defined in the Attachments hereto through consultation by the two parties. Settlement of the management fee for the current month shall be based on the Notice of Payment issued in standard printed form by Party A on 20th of each month. In case that Party B intends to change the sum of management fee, it shall notify Party A in writing before 15th of the current month, or it shall bear the liabilities accordingly. 14.2 Management fee can be settled in RMB or foreign currencies of equal value. The exchange rate shall be the medial rate quoted by People’s Bank of China on 15th of the current month. 14.3 The two parties shall, in compliance with the relevant government regulations, adjust charges for social insurances and accumulated housing fund accordingly each year. Such adjustment of other items may occur at any time according to the policies of the government and shall not affect the dispatch term. Article 15 Payment of Management Fee Prior to the end of each month, Party B shall pay Party A Management Fee of the current month at the amount specified in this Contract and its Attachments in the following four ways: 15.1 Cash 15.2 Check 15.3 Bank Transfer 15.4 Telegraphic Transfer Article 16 Payment of Return Compensation Unless otherwise stipulated in this Contract, any return compensation and/or additional return compensation stipulated by this Contract and the Attachments hereto shall be paid in lump sum upon the return of Party A’s Staff. Chapter 5 Liabilities for Breach of This Contract
Article 17 General Liabilities In case that either party hereto violates any provision of this Contract and the Attachments hereto, and therefore the other party suffers any loss, penalty or claim due to this, the breaching party shall make full compensation to the non-breaching party upon request. The assumption of any other liabilities by any party for breach of this Contract in accordance with this Contract and the Attachments hereto shall not exempt such party as the breaching party from its liabilities stipulated in this Article. Article 18 Liabilities Due to Delayed Payment of Management Fee If Party B fails to pay in full Management Fee on time as stipulated in this Contract and the Attachments hereto, it shall, in addition to full-amount payment, make a daily payment of late fee to Party A which equals 0.2% of the sum payable from due date to the date of actual payment. In the meantime, if Party B’s failure to pay Management Fee in accordance with this Contract results in delayed payment of social insurances (or) accumulated housing fund of Party A’s Staff according to relevant government regulations, Party B shall bear corresponding legal liabilities of fine and penalty interest. In the case that Party B fails to pay Management Fee on time, Party A is entitled to rescind this Contract according to the actual breach. Party B, as the breaching party, shall pay to Party A the delayed Management Fee payable accrued until the rescission of this Contract and the penalty to Party A in lump sum. (Penalty shall be the total sum of “the return compensation and additional return compensation of all Party A’s Staff serving Party B with all of them being deemed returned to Party A” plus “pay, social insurances, accumulated housing fund and service fee of all Party A’s Staff serving Party B at the time that this Contract is rescinded multiplying the balance of labor contract term (in month) or the extended labor contract term (in month) in line with law”.) Article 19 Liabilities Due to Failure to Make Full Payment of Labor Remuneration on Time If Party B fails to make full payment of labor remuneration of Party A’s Staff on time (including but not limited to pay and overtime payment), and therefore Party A suffers any penalty, claim or loss, Party B shall make full compensation to Party A. Article 20 Liabilities Due to Delayed Payment of Return Compensation If Party B fails to pay return compensation and/or additional return compensation in full and on time in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and the Attachments hereto, it shall, in addition to full-amount payment, pay to Party A penalty, at the rate of 100% of the sum due upon request. Article 21 Liabilities Due to Unjustified Rescission of Labor Service Relationship by Party B According to law, if Party B, in line with the provisions of this Contract, returns Party A’s Staff, Party A may rescind or terminate the labor contract with such staff in accordance with the law; however, if such rescission or termination of labor contract by Party A is in violation of law, Party B shall bear the following liabilities: 21.1 If Party A’s Staff demand to resume performance of the labor contract, Party B shall restore the labor service relationship and bear all liabilities Party A shall assume due to this; 21.2 If Party A’s Staff do not demand to resume performance of the labor contract, Party B shall pay to Party A penalty at the rate of twice the return compensation stipulated by this Contract; 21.3 If the labor service relationship could not restored, Party B shall bear all liabilities Party A shall assume due to this, including but not limited to the economic liabilities of paying damages, remuneration, social insurances, accumulated housing fund and Party B shall pay the service fee to Party A, as stipulated in the Contract and the Attachments, of the remainder of labor contract term in lump sum. Article 22 Rescission of this Contract after Breach If either party is in violation of the provisions of this Contract for more than 30 days without rectification, the other party shall have the right to rescind this Contract by giving a written notice, and this Contract shall be rescinded upon the issuance of such written notice. Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions
Article 23 Stipulation on Service Term If Party B has provided any special training fund to Party A’s Staff and conducted any professional and technical training, it may conclude an agreement with Party A’s staff stipulating service term and penalty in accordance with law.
Article 24 No Creation of Any Right for Any Third Party Any article in this Contract shall not be used or interpreted as providing or creating any beneficial rights to any third party. Such third party includes but is not limited to Party A’s Staff. Article 25 Other Issues Agreed upon by the Two Parties
25.1 If the pay of Party A’s Staff is distributed
25.2 Party B shall notify Party A in writing, 60 Article 26 Issues Not Addressed in Detail in This Contract Supplementary agreements as attachments of this Contract shall be reached in conformity with law with regard to issues not addressed in detail in this Contract during implementation. Article 27 Settlement of Disputes Any dispute arising from implementation of this Contract between the two parties shall be settled through friendly consultation. If such effort fails, the dispute shall be submitted to Shanghai Branch of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. Article 28 Effective Date of This Contract This Contract is signed by both parties on the day of [ ] inShanghaiand shall come into effect as of the date of _______. Article 29 Modification of This Contract During the contract term, unless otherwise provided by this Contract, either party shall notify the other party in writing 30 days in advance if it intends to modify this Contract. Within 30 days after the other party receives the notification, the two parties shall reach a consensus with respect to the modification. If such effort fails, the original articles of this Contract shall remain valid and be implemented by both parties. Article 30 Entirety and Severability This Contract and all Attachments hereto constitute the entire contract between the two parties. The unlawfulness or invalidity of any provision of this Contract or the Attachments hereto shall not affect the validity of any other provisions of this Contract or the Attachments hereto.
Article 31 Necessary Adjustment Due to Regulatory Changes Both Party A and Party B understand and accept that in case that any statutory documents relating to Labor Contract Law stipulated by the State andShanghaiMunicipalityare implemented, this Contract and its Attachments shall be modified in accordance with the above documents. Article 32 Miscellaneous This Contract is prepared in duplicate, with each party holding one original with the same effect. This Contract is prepared in both Chinese and English versions. In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. |
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