
发表时间:2015/05/30 00:00:00  来源:www.e-ging.com  作者:www.e-ging.com  浏览次数:10669  


Chinese--English Names of Relevant Departments, Professional Titles and Facilities

国家机关名称   Name of Some State Organs

国家主席       president

国务院    State Council

总理       premier

副总理    vice premier

国务委员       state councilor


部长       minister

副部长    vice minister


局长       director

    division; department

处长       superintendent; division head; department head

铁道部    The Ministry of Railways

铁道部长       the minister of railways

铁道部副部长       the vice minister of railways

运输局    The Bureau of Transportation

客运管理处    The Division of Passenger Traffic Management

客运组织处    The Division of Passenger Traffic Organization

外事局    The Bureau of Foreign Affairs

机务局    The Bureau of Motive Power

车辆局    The Bureau of Railway Vehicles

公安局    The Bureau of Public Security

卫生局    The Bureau of Public Health

财务局    The Bureau of Finance

交通部    The Ministry of Communications

邮电部    The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

外交部    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs

公安部    The Ministry of Public Security

铁路      Railways

铁路局    railway administration

铁路分局       administration director

铁路分局       railway sub-administration

分局长    sub-administration director

    department; division

处长       superintendent; division head; department head

客运处    The Department of Passenger Traffic; the Passenger Traffic

客运处长       Department passenger traffic manager / department head

运输处    The Department of Transportation

车务处    The Traffic Department

货运处    The Freight Department

机务处    The Locomotive Department; the Department of Motive Power

人事处    The Personnel Department

工务处    The Engineering Department

劳动工资处    The Department of Labour and Wages

外事办公室    The Foreign Affairs Section; the Office of Foreign Affairs

    office; section

科长       office head; section head

客运科    the office of Passenger Traffic

客运站    passenger station

站长       Station Master

副站长    vice station master; assistant station master

站长助理       assistant of station master

客运主任       Chief Passenger Agent

客运值班员    duty passenger agent; passenger agent on duty

客运值班室    Duty Room for Passenger Agents

客运员    passenger clerk

服务员    attendant

检票员    ticket examiner

收票员    ticket collector

售票室    Booking Office

售票室主任    chief of the booking office

售票员    booking clerk; ticket clerk; ticket agent

行李室主任    chief of the luggage office

行李员    luggage clerk; baggage clerk

行李搬运工    porter

装卸工    loading and unloading porter; loader

售票处(厅)       booking hall; ticket lobby

售票窗(台)       ticket widow / counter

换乘签证处    interline transfer endorsement counter

车票预订系统       ticket reservation system

电话订票       telephone booking; ticket reservation by telephone

信函订票       correspondence booking; ticket reservation by correspondence

送票       ticket delivery service

自动售票系统       automatic ticketing system

自动售票机          automatic ticket issuing machine; automatic ticket vender; automatic ticket vending machine

自动检票机    automatic ticket inspecting machine

检票门(口)       boarding gate; ticket barrier

问讯处    inquiries office; information

候车(船、机)     waiting room / hall / lounge; departure lounge

软席旅客候车室    waiting room for soft seat passengers

贵宾候车室    VIP Room

外国人检查站       Foreigner’s Check Post

中国旅行社    China Travel Service

中国国际旅行社    China International Travel Service

母婴候车室    waiting room for infants and their mothers

到达旅客出口处    exit for arriving passengers

前厅       lobby

自动楼梯       escalator

电梯       lift; escalator

楼梯       stairs

行李托运处    luggage consignment counter

行李提领处    luggage claim counter

行李寄存处    left luggage counter

行李寄存箱    luggage locker

行李票    luggage ticket

包裹       parcel

包裹票    parcel ticket

运费       freight

收款处    cashier

失物招领处    lost and found counter

留言处    left messages

旅客意见簿    passengers’ comments

娱乐室    entertainments; amenities

邮政电话电报服务处   postal, telephone and telegraph service

公用电话       public telephone

电话亭    telephone booth / kiosk

出租车服务处       taxis / car rental

医疗室    clinic

小卖部    store

小吃部    snack counter

停车场    parking lot; parking pool; parking square

购物中心       shopping center; shopping arcade

饭店       restaurant

旅客       passenger train

客运段    passenger train crew district; passenger traffic section

列车段    train crew district; train section

段长       district head; section head

乘务组    crew

客运乘务组    passenger service crew

值班室    duty room for dispatchers

值班员    dispatcher

乘务长    crew member

列车长-男    chief conductor

列车长-女    chief conductress

列车员-男    conductor

列车员-女    conductress

列车行李员    luggage convoyer

列车广播员    train announcer

列车售货员    travelling vendor

乘警       train police

检车乘务员    travelling car examiner

车电乘务员    travelling train-lighting fitter

运转车长       train guard; guard

列车长办公席       the chief conductor’s duty post

列车服务台    service counter

售货点    sales counter

医疗点    medical aid post

广播室    broadcasting studio; studio

锅炉室    boiler room

乘务员室       crew’s room / cabinet

宿营车    boarding car; crew’s sleeper

闭路电视系统       closed circuit TV system

列车音响系统       train audio system

列车影像系统       train video system

空调系统       air conditioning system

餐车       dining car

餐厅       dining hall

餐车长(餐车主任) dining car chief; chief of the dining car

厨师领班       chef

厨师       cook

炊事员    assistant cook

服务员(男)       waiter

服务员(女)       waitress

餐桌       dining table

菜单       menu

酒单       wine list

旅馆和饭店       Hotel and Restaurant

总经理    general manager

经理       manager

部门经理       department manager

前台经理       front manager

餐膳经理       catering manager

酒楼(饭店)       restaurant

餐厅       dining hall

总服务台       reception

问讯处    inquiries; information

预订处    reservations; reservation counter

收款、结帐处       accounts office

票务处    ticketing office

商场       shopping arcade; shopping centre

音乐咖啡厅    café musical

舞厅       dance hall; ballroom

旅游观光服务处    touting and sightseeing service

行李保管处    luggage storage

银行服务处    bank’s office

邮政服务处    postal service

长途电话服务处    long-distance call service

电讯服务处    telegraph service

电话亭    telephone booth / kiosk

公用电话       public telephone

书店       book shop; book store

桑拿浴室       sauna

休息处    rest lounge

理发室(男)       barber shop; the barber’s

美容室(女)       beauty parlour / salon

按摩室    massage room

医疗室    clinic

纪念品商店    souvenir shop

礼品商店       gift shop

鲜花店    florist

宴会服务处    catering service

出租车服务处       taxis / car rental

娱乐区    entertainments; amenities

电视室    TV / television

电影室    movies; films; cinema

电子游戏室    electronic games

保龄球    bowling

健身房    gym; gymnasium

台球室    billiards

乒乓球室       table tennis

网球场    tennis court

游泳池    swimming pool

酒吧       bar

送到房间服务(饮食)  room service

客房内的微型酒吧    mini-bar

洗衣服务处    laundry service

干洗服务处    dry cleaning service