
发表时间:2017/04/17 00:00:00  浏览次数:2196  


展会简介2017国际集成光子会议由上海微技术国际合作中心(SIMTAC)主办,LioniX International协办。在此次会议中,来自光子集成整个价值链的全球领导者将会碰面并分享他们对该行业机遇和挑战的看法。



The meeting is organized by the Shanghai International Micro-Tech Affiliation Center (SIMTAC) in collaboration with LioniX International. In this meeting, global leaders from across the whole value chain of photonic integration will meet and share their perspectives on the industry’s opportunities and challenges.

The meeting deliberations will focus on the challenges and opportunities of hybrid photonic integration.

As China is home to global leaders in telecommunications and also many smaller but important emerging companies active in integrated photonics, this international meeting will be an exciting opportunity for international organizations to meet and expand their presence in the Chinese market.

举办时间:2017-05-08至 2017-05-09
