
发表时间:2015/06/01 00:00:00  来源:www.e-ging.com  作者:www.e-ging.com  浏览次数:3022  








自由贸易 free trade

汉萨同盟 Hanseatic League (14世纪中叶在德国北部城镇间形成的商业协会以保护及控制贸易,在15世纪达到鼎盛)

悠久历史和繁华现实 long history and current dynamism

Your Excellency Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier,

Your Excellency Prime Minister Xavier Bettel,

Your Excellency President Martin Schulz,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my great pleasure to attend the "Hamburg Summit: China meets Europe". Known as the "City of Bridges", Hamburg boasts a unique view with over 2,000 bridges. As I see it, Hamburg has even more intangible bridges that extend to the rest of the world. Hamburg has a time-honored tradition of free trade and had established the Hanseatic League back in the 13th century. ...... This illustrates the long history and current dynamism of China-Europe exchanges.


>Your Excellency意为“阁下”,是对高级官员的尊称。演讲开篇对听众的称呼语常用ladies and gentlemen,也可根据不同情况,选用fellow citizens/students/colleagues,distinguished/honorable guests,Mr Chairman等。

>It is my great pleasure to attend ...



It is my great pleasure to attend the closing ceremony of the second Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing.


>as I see it



As I see it, it's the responsibility and obligation of media to report events comprehensively.





Economic growth is not a sprint but rather long-distance running that will never end.



产业结构调整优化 the adjustment and improvement of industrial structure

新兴业态 emerging industries

物流快递 logistics and express delivery

节能减排 energy conservation and emissions reduction

单位GDP能耗 energy consumption per unit of GDP

碳排放强度 carbon intensity

Economic growth is not a sprint but rather long-distance running that will never end. It demands certain speed. More importantly, it demands perseverance and staying power. ...... With the continued rise of the proportion of the service industry, the rapid development of emerging industries such as e-commerce, logistics and express delivery, and the growth of high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing faster than the entire secondary industry, the adjustment and improvement of industrial structure has progressed by leaps and bounds. We have also seen encouraging results in energy conservation and emissions reduction. Energy consumption per unit of GDP was down by 4.2%, and carbon intensity down by about 5% in the first half of this year, the biggest cuts in years.


>not…but rather:



The process is not a circle but rather a spiral.


>by leaps and bounds



Growing by leaps and bounds, China's economy has been the envy of the world, especially at a time most countries are floundering in the swamp of stagnation.





Innovation is the perpetual engine driving development and progress of humanity.



大变革、大调整 major transformation and adjustment

墨守成规 Being fettered by old convention

单打独斗 relying on one’s own efforts

Innovation is the perpetual engine driving development and progress of humanity. The world, which is undergoing major transformation and adjustment, calls for innovations of greater depth at a wider scope. Being fettered by old conventions or relying on one’s own efforts will not lead to such innovations. What we need is openness, cooperation and sharing.


>call for



It's a situation that calls for a blend of delicacy and force.


>be fettered by



Many people are fettered by lack of self-confidence.


我们正在致力于建设 “创新型政府”,首要的事情就是简政放权,这实际上是给市场让出空间,降低市场准入门槛。一年多来,中央政府各部门取消和下放了600多项行政审批事项。今年3月工商登记制度改革后,新设立企业“井喷式”增长。我们强力推进改革,就是要减少对创新活动的干预,让想创业、能创新的人都有机会、可作为,形成“大众创业、万众创新”的局面。这样可以把人口红利转化为人才红利,让改革成为富民的改革,让创新成为惠民的创新,实现人的全面发展、社会公平发展、经济可持续发展。


创新型政府 pro-innovation government

简政放权 streamline administration and delegate government powers

工商登记制度改革 business registration reform

“井喷式”增长 massive surge

人口红利 demographic dividend

人才红利 talent dividend

大众创业、万众创新 entrepreneurship and innovation by all

We are committed to building a pro-innovation government, and the top priority is to streamline administration and delegate government powers. This, in fact, has given more room to the market and lowered the threshold of market access. For the past year and more, central government departments have removed or delegated to lower levels administrative approval on over 600 items. The business registration reform introduced last March triggered a massive surge in the number of newly established businesses. Through vigorous reform, we hope to reduce intervention in innovation, so that everyone with the willingness and ability to create and innovate will have the chance to succeed, leading to a situation of entrepreneurship and innovation by all. This way, we can turn China’s demographic dividend into talent dividend, and ensure that reform and innovation are pursued to enrich and benefit the people. This, in turn, will enable us to deliver all-round development for the people, and promote the development of an equitable society and a sustainable economy.


>be committed to



We are committed to giving back to community and giving you a clean environment.





The gardener has turned the wasteland into a wonderland filled with flowers.





There is an old saying in China which goes, "You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough". We should indeed tap deeper into our cooperation potential the way we dig a well.






新技术革命 new technology revolution

产业变革 industrial transformation

务实合作 results-oriented cooperation

掘井九轫,必得其水 You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough

共谋贸易发展“大棋局” make a "grand strategy" to promote growth in trade

推动投资进入“快车道”take bilateral investment onto the "fast track"

开辟创新合作“深海域” explore the "deep ocean" of cooperation on innovation

We live in the age of new technology revolution and industrial transformation. Both China and Europe are at a critical development stage and are faced with the common task of maintaining growth, readjusting structure and creating more jobs. To deepen the results-oriented cooperation is an objective need for both sides and both face rare opportunities in doing so. There is an old saying in China which goes, "You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough". We should indeed tap deeper into our cooperation potential the way we dig a well. Along that line, let me make the following proposals:

First, we should make a "grand strategy" to promote growth in trade.

Second, we should take bilateral investment onto the "fast track".

Third, we should explore the "deep ocean" of cooperation on innovation.


>There is an old saying (in China) which goes...



There is an old saying in China which goes, "When you drink from a well, remember the person who dug it."


>tap into



China's economic growth has boosted Chinese companies' confidence to tap into the overseas markets.





Just as the ancient Chinese thinker Xun Zi (Hsun Tsu) remarked, “When earth piles up into mountains, wind and rain will originate thereof.” The Italian navigator Christopher Columbus also observed, “As long as we hold the land of hope close to our heart, we can surely brave the storm.”






负责任伙伴关系 responsible partnership

可持续增长与安全 sustainable growth and security

亚欧新型全面伙伴关系 new type of comprehensive partnership between Asia and Europe

亚欧互联互通和贸易投资自由化 connectivity and trade and investment liberalization in Asia and Europe

亚欧人文交流和社会发展 Asia-Europe cultural exchange and social development

Eurasia is a land that boasts the greatest development opportunities and potential in the world. Since its inception 18 years ago, ASEM has witnessed deepening political dialogue, robust practical cooperation and extensive social and cultural exchanges. With expanding converging interests, ASEM members have grown into a community of shared responsibilities and destinies. The theme of this meeting, Responsible Partnership for Sustainable Growth and Security, is highly relevant. China stands ready to work with other ASEM partners in an open, inclusive and united spirit to foster the awareness of community, advocate unity and coordination, and actively build a new type of comprehensive partnership for peace and development between Asia and Europe. Along this line, I wish to make the following proposals:

— We need to jointly uphold peace, security, stability and development in Asia and Europe.

— We need to jointly promote connectivity and trade and investment liberalization in Asia and Europe.

— We need to jointly promote Asia-Europe cultural exchange and social development.


>stand ready to



The two sides also stand ready to enhance technological cooperation between the two countries.


>make proposals



Have you got any specific proposals to make on payment?




To conclude, I wish the summit a full success. Thank you.


To conclude, I wish this forum a full success. Spasiba (Thank you)!


Let the Milan summit be our new starting point from which solid steps will be made and hands joined for a better future of Asia-Europe exchange and cooperation.


>to conclude, I wish … a full success


>let… be our new starting point



Let the forum be our new starting point from which a better future of cooperation will be expected.






平等互利equality and mutual benefit

扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses

反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government

简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization

国计民生national welfare and the people's livelihood

徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud

求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences

优胜劣汰survival of the fittest


功在当代,利在千秋in the interest of the current and future generations

路遥知马力,日久见人心Time will tell.

吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜no sweet without sweat

车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /there's always a way out

急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits

打黑扫黄crack down on gangland and pornography

减员增效downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency)

结党营私form cliques for private gain

扭亏为盈turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one

廉洁奉公honestly perform one's official duties

优势互补complement each other's advantages

不进则退no progress simply means regression

源远流长have a long history

鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey

古丝绸之路 ancient Silk Road

东风西渐 the West learning from the East